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Raise funds

It’s great that you want to get active and raise funds for better eye care. Your efforts give someone in Asia, South America or Africa a chance at better sight. And that means a lot. You allow someone to see their children or grandchildren again, to be able to work and to feel part of their community and society. For just €35,- we can perform an eye exam or give someone in need prescription glasses or contact lenses. Let’s get active.

How can you contribute?

There are many fun ways to raise money privately or as a company. You raise funds by motivating people to help you achieve your aspired amount.

Ask for donations for your anniversary or birthday

Celebrating something soon? Ask your family, friends and network to donate on your behalf. You can use our donation link in your invitation. Create your donation page via and share it with as many people as possible.Or ask for cash or money via a bank transfer. Transferring the total amount is easy; you can use below bank details below:
IBAN: NL14 ABNA 0543 4445 54
On behalf of Eye Care Foundation, Amsterdam

Help us and start a fundraiser

Start a fundraiser at work, school, or neighbourhood. Ask your colleagues, neighbours, classmates, family, parents from school and friends for help and some effort. Use the power of your social media and sell, for example, homemade cakes and your artwork or sell items at a car boot sale. Whatever you decide to do, create your donation page
Transferring the total amount is easy; you can use below bank details below:
IBAN: NL14 ABNA 0543 4445 54
On behalf of Eye Care Foundation, Amsterdam

Cambodia snellen chart

Get active

Organise an athletic challenge and get sponsors. This can be any sport you like to do and have some fun with it. Do it together with a group or by yourself, anything goes. Cycle laps for our charity, run as far as possible or organise a padel tournament. Campaign, spread the word and use your social media and networks. Via, it is easy to create a donation page. Transferring the total amount is easy; you can use below bank details below:
IBAN: NL14 ABNA 0543 4445 54
On behalf of Eye Care Foundation, Amsterdam

Dam tot Dam loop

Sponsor us

Don’t have the time to start your fundraiser? What about sponsoring the Eye Care Foundation team during the Dam tot Damloop. Our team will run 10EM from Amsterdam to Zaandam. This year we want to raise €40.000 to celebrate our 40th anniversary. Help us to achieve that goal. Become a sponsor now or discuss sponsorship options with our event manager, Margreet.


Want to donate frequently? You are very welcome because, with gifts or donations, we can help people with eye problems. Donations can be made once or periodically. Stopping is easy.

Get involved

Want to support us in the coming years and benefit from the tax advantage for Dutch citizens when gifting to Eye Care Foundation? With an agreement, we put in writing that you will donate to us for five years or longer for a fixed amount per year. This makes your contribution deductible from your tax income, with a maximum of €250,000 annually. Increasing your donation is easy without paying more, as the Dutch Belastingdienst partly contributes to your gift.
Happy patient Vietnam

Legacy gifting

Many of our donors have been loyal to us for years. By adding Eye Care Foundation to your will, you continue to invest in combating blindness and vision impairment, even beyond your lifetime. Legacy gifting is exceptional and supports people in regions where they need it most.
Twee kinderen met moeders in oogkliniek

Support as a company

Companies can also contribute to better eye care. We enjoy collaborating with companies that can support our charity financially, practically and systematically. Together, we can tackle a real problem and work sustainably and cost-efficiently. Each collaboration is tailored, so let’s discuss opportunities.

Our accomplishments so far


  • Over 6,000,000 eye screenings
  • Over 800,000 (eye) surgeries
  • Handed out over 50,000 eyeglasses


  • Trained over 400 eye doctors
  • Trained over 2000 eye specialists
  • Organised over 40,000 trainings

Medical Centres

  • Opened 7 eye clinics
  • Opened 24 district eye centres

Together for better vision

Eye Care Foundation actively provides essential eye care to disadvantaged and disenfranchised communities in Asia, South America and Africa. With the support of monetary donations and the work of volunteers, our foundation offers eye exams, treatments, and operations to people who otherwise don’t have access to this crucial care. By working together and sharing knowledge, know-how and access – we can ensure a better vision for everyone.